Where I work...

What I read...

  • Morgan McLintic on PR
    One of my most talented work colleagues and foremost bloggers. Always worth reading.
  • Dennis Howlett
    His experience and knowledge demands respect. He's a chartered accountant who understands technology, business and the meda.
  • Technology PR
    Without doubt, the best rival CEO from the best rival firm
  • Teblog
    This is an excellent blog for anyone that wants to understand journalists and journalism. He doesn't say much, but what he does say is worth listening to.
  • PR Squared
    I have known Todd from before the dinosaurs. He understands it.
  • Clogger
    This is another blog from an intelligent, funny and experienced colleague.
  • Ian Lipner
    From the head of the Washington office - a witty, insightful and wide-ranging blog from someone I'm proud to call a colleague.
  • Andres Wittermann
    One of my oldest colleagues and partners shares his thoughts on the European PR industry.
  • Drew B's take on tech PR
    Another excellent blog from an excellent player.
  • The Wages of Spin - Starting out in PR
    This is a nice blog from someone starting out.

Useful applications

July 2006

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October 17, 2005

October 11, 2005

October 07, 2005