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  • Morgan McLintic on PR
    One of my most talented work colleagues and foremost bloggers. Always worth reading.
  • Dennis Howlett
    His experience and knowledge demands respect. He's a chartered accountant who understands technology, business and the meda.
  • Technology PR
    Without doubt, the best rival CEO from the best rival firm
  • Teblog
    This is an excellent blog for anyone that wants to understand journalists and journalism. He doesn't say much, but what he does say is worth listening to.
  • PR Squared
    I have known Todd from before the dinosaurs. He understands it.
  • Clogger
    This is another blog from an intelligent, funny and experienced colleague.
  • Ian Lipner
    From the head of the Washington office - a witty, insightful and wide-ranging blog from someone I'm proud to call a colleague.
  • Andres Wittermann
    One of my oldest colleagues and partners shares his thoughts on the European PR industry.
  • Drew B's take on tech PR
    Another excellent blog from an excellent player.
  • The Wages of Spin - Starting out in PR
    This is a nice blog from someone starting out.

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« The Guardian again | Main | Q4 blues »

October 11, 2005


James Cherkoff

Resist Loic's jedi-power and his uber-plan to claim the blogosphere for France!! The real reason that France leads currently is the the massive 3m strong Skyblog community. That and the fact that BT has only just worked out how to make money from broadband...

Will S

I suspect the north/south blogging divide in Europe owes more to language than "national characteristics"? (Assuming what languages people speak, with the exception of their own, aren't 'a national characteristic'.)

My point being that northern Europe has a far higher percentage of English speakers and therefore access to a far greater number of mainstream media outlets (which perhaps make us lazy in the way we consume media). Southern Europe – take Spain, Italy, Greece and the Balkans as an example – however has far fewer English speakers and therefore perhaps a greater need to disseminate own-language updates on world affairs through blogging. This would also ring true I suggest for the French anomaly in Northern Europe where English, while spoken in large metropolitan areas is also nowhere near as common as in Scandinavian countries, The Netherlands and Germany (and the UK of course.)

There is also an argument – which I imagine ties in with what Loic may have been saying (and would be interesting to hear more if there is a transcript) - that political instability has been far more common in southern Europe and so the people are perhaps more reactive and less trusting in large corporations or state-owned media.

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